In Between Dreams
Flexible. If there is one things that all of us in Chicago share, is being flexible with the weather. We find ourselves in April and it is still a gamble whether the precipitation outside is a rain shower, wintery mix, or straight up snow fall. We spend the entire spring waiting for it to be spring. Then we experience it for about a day, before diving straight into a summer inferno. As the weather is starting to break, I wanted to take a look back on a snowy night in February when I experienced Stephen Sandoval's concept, Entre Suenos, which translates to "in between dreams."
The greatest tribute a chef could ever pay to cuisine is authenticity. Chef Stephen Sandoval elevates your palate by tapping into the culture of cuisine which is Baja Mexican tradition. Not only do you get to sample delicious food, but you hear directly from the Chef exactly from where and how he drew inspiration for each dish. At his ticketed events, you are seated at a large communal table, which lends itself to making new connections outside those you attended the event with. I can personally attest that I consistently talk to someone that I met at one of Stephen's dinners! Furthermore, it was through Stephen that Kris and I met the president of the Illinois Women's Bar Association and now Kris does their accounting. However I digress, how does this all tie back to being flexible?
I met Stephen last October when he viewed a space I was marketing for a building owner. He was looking to open his own brick and mortar version of his existing concept. Along the process I met his family and Rick Bayless, which are his advisors and supporters, that will help facilitate the multi-hundred-thousand dollar project that building out the kitchen and front of house would be. I believed in Stephen's concept so much, that after a standstill in negotiations, which were going on for months, I terminated my representation with the Landlord, and told Stephen that I would represent him in his search for a place instead. I pivoted clients, buildings, and all that comes with it. It is all about maintaining flexibility while juggling the uncertainty of the practice of real estate.
Fast forward to present day, we still have not secured a location, but in the spirit of being flexible we tabled the search while Stephen starts his new residency at Soho House.