A Note From Our Founder
Last time we connected over this newsletter we were just getting started on this unprecedented journey of quarantine. With another month ahead of us, we wanted to reflect on the positives that came from being sheltered in place. I wanted to provide an alternate tone to the recent "COVID-19 themed" newsletters being sent speaking to the affects on the real estate market, the exhausted PPP/SBA funding, or the preventative legal protections as society returns to “normal."
This time is much better spent focusing on what we can do to positively impact our communities, how we can protect those who need it most, and reevaluate timelines for our future goals and aspirations. At this point, quarantine is not easy for anyone. We may as well make the most of it!
For those of us who are fortunate enough to still have work, commute times have become obsolete. For those of us who are fortunate enough to have some extra free time on our hands, it is a great time to dive into your hobbies. Kris has been experimenting to find the perfect wax mix ratio for his candles (in recycled wine bottles) to optimize a slow burn. We are also delighted to have front row seats as Charlie Trotter's old restaurant is rehabbed into luxury condos. We have already begun to notice renovations on this historic property.
For me, its all about appreciating the little things. It now costs less than $30 to fill up the tank in my SUV, there is never any traffic on the 90/94 expressway, and the new compost bin in our porch garden has become an ironic way of keeping track of passing time. This forced reflection on life has encouraged me to think of new initiatives for lasting social impact and how we might best utilize this pause in life we did not ask for. While it is too early to share specifics, stay tuned for more information in next month's newsletter.